Tu Meke. Too easy bro. Chur. Sweet as.
That’s how it is around here. But its ok, we speak the language.
Luckily, us kiwis are all about making things 'to easy bro', and so filming here can be easy too.
We have an amazing film infrastructure down under, and it gets greater every year. Kiwi's began to tutū with film about 4 decades ago, so the NZ film industry is well established now, with amazing technicians and equipment, a huge variety of landscape and cultures and a good-ol', kiwi-can-do attitude.
Throughout Aotearoa, you will find an unbelievable range of landscapes; from fiords and mountains to rain-forests and beaches, deserts, volcanoes, farmland and more. You can find a kiwi version of almost any landscape in the world. But unlike the rest of the world, we are small, roughly the same size as the UK or Japan, so proximity to locations is one of our biggest selling points, as it means less travel time and cost.
Best of all, you’ll feel like your working with your best mates.
Dollars go further.
Producing in New Zealand is tu meke! and it can actually be very affordable thanks to our exchange rate.
For example, $100 NZD is roughly equal to; $65 USD / $60 EUR / $52 GBP / $8600 JPY
For up-to-date exchange rates head over to moneyconverter.
Things look a little different.
Being in the southern hemisphere Aotearoa has southern hemisphere seasons; Christmas in the middle of summer, golden autumn leaves in April, snow fields and skiing in August and fresh spring life in October. That said, we are also sub-tropic in the north so parts of the country are warm all year round – meaning plenty of stubbies and jandal wearing.
For more info on the Aotearoa Climate have a look at NIWA
For more general information drop us a line, or view this handy guide